1. Make an Enchanting Food
Provide food that looks can be more attractive and has more aroma than usual. In this way it can help to improve appetite.
Food that looks delicious and the aroma is favored then most likely will arouse your taste.
Therefore, although to serve "special" food takes more capital, but occasionally try to ask family members to serve the special foods you like the most.
In addition, during the meal do not drink if it is not necessary, because drinking while eating can lead you to easily feel full or bloated, which eventually your appetite to eat decreased or even disappeared.
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Although only doing light exercise then can increase appetite. You can do light physical activities such as walking, sweeping or cleaning the house, cycling, jogging, swimming, and others, which can eventually cause hunger.
In addition, exercise will maximize the process of nutrient absorption from food. So try to exercise regularly because the benefits are very much.
Doing exercise also so that the food digested body will be converted into muscle rather than fat.
3. Appetite Fishing with Natural ingredients
Natural ingredients in question are vegetables, fruits, and other vegetables, which can help to increase your appetite. Eat oranges, ginger, ginseng, lemon, temulawak, papaya, peppermint and others.
Consuming these natural ingredients may increase your appetite, other than that natural ingredients are also certainly healthier.
4. Do not Miss Breakfast
The thing to know that doing breakfast in the morning has a lot of benefits. By doing breakfast is useful for the metabolism of the body can run smoothly, but breakfast will provide sufficient energy for the body in order to run solid activities all day. Doing breakfast regularly can make your appetite good. Other benefits of breakfast, namely:
- Provides more energy for the body to run all day activities. In order to keep the body fit and not get tired quickly.
- Refreshing the brain, so the brain can think better and faster.
- Maintain concentration and focus.
- Prevent ulcer disease, where breakfast is useful to make the stomach filled with food, so it can neutralize stomach acid.
- Stomach conditions that are too long to empty can cause heartburn. Lowering the risk of stress, where empty stomach conditions in the morning with a dense activity can cause a person susceptible to stress.
- Breakfast is useful to prevent the occurrence of such stress.
5. Apply a Few Eating Portions But Often
Some people have problems with appetite when he sees the portion of the meal is too large. To overcome this problem, then the solution by eating food in small quantities, but the frequency of eating is made more frequent. By doing this method, so the consumed portion will be the same. Other benefits of eating food in smaller portions is to prevent the occurrence of stomach problems bulge after eating. You can eat foods with half a plate only, but the frequency of eating is increased to 4-5 times a day.
6. See Photos of Good Food
Looking at photos of delicious food that looks very beautiful, it will be able to arouse and memvah emergence nafru eat. Therefore, bica open on search engine google.co.id, then type "food photography".
There you will see a variety of food look that looks delicious. In addition it can also search Instagram, open hastag associated with the theme of food, then you will see many pictures of food uploaded by members.
When looking at photos of delicious food, then many people who initially are not too appetite, but after that abruptly say "So lapeer ..".
7. Purchase Food That Looks Very Interesting, or "Design" Food You Make It Looks Interesting
Appetite can increase dramatically, in addition to the way the photos of super-delicious food, also very effective is to look directly in front of you delicious food.
If you make your own food then make a variety of display on your food so it looks very interesting, this will increase your appetite.
You can do, for example by giving a vegetable ornament on either side of the plate, giving a certain sauce or spice and other things.
Start by serving cooked and brightly colored foods. Avoid pale color, where food can look very attractive when served with a high degree of color brightness.
Imagine if someone served a bowl of pale oatmeal, pasta without sauce, and the like. Although oatmeal has been given delicious spices such as spices, butter, etc., but still will be presented in a pale form.
Should present oatmeal with red berry fruits that make the food look fresh.
Likewise food like pasta served with pesto sauce (typical Italian sauce) and chopped cherry tomatoes. That way the display of food dish will look very interesting.
Did you know, when food really looks interesting, then this can make the body naturally produce more fluids that benefit to maximize the absorption of nutrients food.
Decorate the plate so that later the food can look more beautiful with the leaves of herbs spices, spices and so forth.
In serving the food, then highlight the colors of the bright vegetables. Avoid cooking vegetables that are too ripe because it will cause vegetables to lose color and appearance tend to be less attractive.
When in doubt to use a white dish, because the white plate gives a contrast effect, which will make the color of the food brighter, and also more interesting texture.
Limit the portion size of food, remember to fill the plate with food as much as two-thirds only. The third part is emptied. The purpose of doing this is that the empty space on the plate will have a contrast effect on the food, which makes the food look more appealing.
You can follow the trend in decorating food. Where food presentation styles can also be fluid and "updated" in each time. Look for various forms of food serving style that can bring appetite.
8. Make Food Fragrant
Foods that smell the fragrance will clearly create an appetite. Where if we see there are many foods that can be made to be very fragrant aroma, such as fried rice, chicken kentucky, soto, opor soup, tauco, and many others.
This can be said to be a marketing trick on some culinary products that exist in the Mall-Mall, which makes people become interested to eat there.
Due to the high role of aroma / fragrance of this food in evocative appetite, therefore serve food with a pleasant aroma you, which can bring your appetite.
9. Serve Nutritious Rich Foods
Health experts have explained that we leave all kinds of foods that are harmful to the health of the body, such as junk food, high-fat foods and cholesterol, fried foods, chips, instant food and sodas.
Consumption of high nutritious foods with low calories. Begin to get used to eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Eating a healthy diet can help you to have a good appetite.
10. Prepare Healthy Snacks
Have a healthy snack, which is probably very necessary when you have a big meal problem. In choosing a snack, then avoid that contain lots of artificial sugar and high fat.
Eat healthy snacks, such as eating bananas, fruit pieces, nuts, etc. But keep in mind, do not do snacking that time is too close to hours to eat, this is so that your appetite to stay awake.
11. Consider Using Spices and Herbs
Appetite can be attempted to be stimulated through herbs or spices, some of which are ginger, ginseng, lemon, temulawak, papaya leaves, peppermint leaves, alfalfa leaves, etc.
Especially for ginseng, then this natural ingredients are not well consumed for people with high blood pressure. If you have not been using natural ingredients, then start using it, there is the possibility of its use will be useful to increase your appetite.
12. Multivitamin
You can use a multivitamin that can be useful to replace the nutrients lost due to decreased appetite. B vitamin intake is useful to stimulate appetite.
In addition, the natural mineral intake of zinc and copper (copper) can sharpen the sense of taste. You may consider taking a multivitamin to increase your appetite.
From the Q & A page on Alodokter.com, dr. Yosephine. S. explained that vitamin B supplements can increase appetite. Adding vitamin C and E intake is also beneficial to increase appetite
Some studies have found that people who have low levels of zinc minerals in the body have a lower appetite compared to people with normal zinc mineral content conditions in the body.
That way, meet the intake of mineral zinc is beneficial for this, it is advisable to consume also supplements containing zinc minerals in order to increase appetite.
13. If Not Urgent, Do not Drink During Eating
During times of eating then avoid drinking water, because drinking water can make your appetite decrease. If the middle of eating you do drink, then this can make you quickly satisfied (because bloated) so that the food on the plate can not run out.
A microbiotic expert named Shonali Sabherwal, explained that drinking water in the middle of eating can inhibit and complicate the process of digestion of food.
Not a few people who think that by drinking water when eating then it will launch the food into the throat and digestive organs. Whereas drinking habits while eating this precisely complicates the work of the digestive organs.
Especially in people who have stomach disease then this can have serious impact. Shonali Sabherwal explains when the digestive process takes place, the stomach will release stomach acid that aims to digest food.
Well, when a person drinks while eating, then the water is drunk it actually inhibits the performance of stomach acid, where this condition causes the stomach will respond by producing more acid. This condition can lead to acid reflux and the appearance of heartburn.
14. Make Sure Your Favorite Food is Always Ready Ready
Appetite certainly can appear when viewing favorite foods. Fill your refrigerator and your kitchen with your favorite food ingredients, so you have a favorite food that is always ready. When the appetite arises then immediately your favorite food consumption is.
15. Consider To Consume Traditional Herbal Medicine
Traditional herbal ingredients or often called "herbs" can be a great way to increase your appetite. In herbs made from natural ingredients such as temulawak, ginger, turmeric, and other natural ingredients, consume it can membanut to increase appetite.
16. Avoid Stress
Stress can trigger decreased appetite. That way, do relaxation in order to make the soul become calm and relaxed, so it can be more avoided from the name of this stress. Condition the mood to stay always good, avoid doing and thinking about things that make you stress.
In addition, condition a fun atmosphere while eating, so by doing these things will make the appetite can be maintained properly.
17. Eating Using a Large Plate
This is a trick, which can affect your psychology. Eating with large plates will make your psychological state that the food consumed is a small portion. This trick can help to increase appetite, so you can be more motivated to spend the food on the plate.
18. Restore HCl Levels in the Body
HCl is a substance in the stomach that has a function to affect one's appetite. The presence of HCl substances in the stomach also helps the process of decomposition of foods that aim to be easily absorbed by the body.
The result, then the stomach becomes hungry again, which is then followed by the emergence of the desire to eat. In order to make the levels of HCl increase in the stomach, then the way can be by eating lime juice.
19. Type of Vegetables That Can Increase Nasfu Eating
Some types of vegetables that are known bermanfaaat to facilitate digestion, which indirectly can increase appetite, ie cucumbers, greedy and garlic.
Some bitter vegetables like spinach, fenugreek and bitter gourd, the content in it serves to increase the secretion of digestive juices, which it also helps to increase appetite.
The content in tomatoes can also be useful to overcome digestive problems. With healthy digestion and avoid digestive disorders, it can improve appetite.
20. Eat Comfort Food
Comfort food is not all healthy. But at one time may be necessary in order to overcome low appetite. Choose foods that can make you feel comfortable, so it can arouse the taste.
21. Cinnamon
Cinnamon can stimulate hunger, but in addition it was found that cinnamon efficacious for lowering high blood sugar levels in the body.
Where in cinnamon contains an active substance that has the properties hydroxychalcone, which benefits to help increase the production of insulin, as a result of high blood sugar condition can be improved to a normal stage.
Another benefit of cinnamon is to prevent the appearance of nausea. For its use is to mix cinnamon powder with other food ingredients.
22. Eat Grapes
Grapes have acidic substances whose benefits can help the digestive process to work properly. Grapes are believed to stimulate hunger and make appetite appear.
How To Make Appetite Child
1. Encourage the child to do physical activity. Physical activity of the child can encourage the child's appetite becomes larger, it is because hunger and fatigue will make Children want to eat.
You can provide physical activity in children in the form of swimming, playing soccer, playing basketball, cycling, etc.
2. Offer children their favorite foods, but keep the food consumed by children is a healthy food.
3. Set the child's meal time. It is useful to get used to their bodies need to eat at that hour.
4. Condition the child's meal time to be fun, the condition of an unhappy child will make no appetite.
5. Encourage the child to experiment with food, therefore invite your child to process and prepare the food. This can make your baby eager to try his own homemade food.
6. Pati child breakfast every day, because all night his stomach is not filled. With breakfast routine, then the appetite was increased because of hunger in the morning.
7. Limit the provision of pana milk children, because if the child drinking too much milk then can reduce his appetite.
8. Make sure the condition of the dining room is conducive to maintaining the child's appetite. The condition of the dining room is too close to the kitchen so that the smell of various kitchen spices can kill the child's appetite.
Condition the child's dining room is clean and has a delicious smell to invite the child's appetite.
9. Condition the cooler temperatures, where cold conditions will increase appetite. The temperature is too warm tend to heat can reduce appetite.
10. Other steps parents can take to improve their appetite:
- Provide fruit and fruit juice at 9-10 am.
- During the day, the children's menu of soft rice with vegetables and minced meat.
- For the afternoon give bread with fruit juice, or can also provide soft rice with a side dish of his favorite.
- In giving milk intake, only done in the morning and evening before bed.